Team int elligence
RoboCup Junior (RCJ) USA 2021- Winner
RCJ Worldwide 2021- Finalist
RCJ USA 2022- Best Mechanical/Electronics Award
Congratulations Team int elligence!
The Team
Ishaan Verma ( Team Captain), Pranav Sitaraman & Sujay Konda's team int elligence, from Storming Robots, was ranked among the top 6 teams in the world. They also placed 2nd in RCJ USA 2021!
The Bot
The bot is a custom design with a 3D printed chassis and uses Arduino Mega 2560 with 2 color sensors. The Pixy2 camera and time of flight sensor was used for victim rescue and obstacle avoidance.
The Field
Bot performance and reliability were tested using fields of various difficulty. As the competition progressed from qualifier to US regional to worldwide, code was finetuned to improve navigation and responsiveness.
In Pictures
Coming soon..
Line Following
Evacuation Room
Evaluation and Analysis
Analysis for Object Recognition
Analysis of setTarPwm in Makeblock MeEncoderOnBoard
Analysis of Adafruit TCS34725 Library
Published Details
Source code published @ github - click here
Mechanical Design@ onshape CAD - click here